Resource Listing
Co-60 Irradiations
A 10kCi Co-60 source is housed in the industrial hotcell within containment at the McMaster Nuclear Reactor. Various irradiations are routinely done ranging from qualifying nuclear equipment to sterilization and nuclear dating.
Contract Research Services
The flexibility and breadth of our nuclear facilities as well as a strong research environment and staffing facilitates numerous research applications.
Core Irradiations
As Nuclear Operations & Facilities houses a reactor, we are able to conduct in-core irradiations of various lengths of time in order to satisfy research and industrial needs of academic and client services.
Delayed Neutron Counting
DNC is a service provided by the Centre for Neutron Activation Analysis (CNAA), and is most commonly used for uranium content analysis.
Fluorine Analysis
Fluorine analysis is a service that is offered by the Centre for Neutron Activation Analysis (CNAA) and allows for the short-lived F-20 to be analyzed.
Gamma Counting
Analysis and counting of gamma-emitting radionuclides is a service provided through the Centre for Neutron Activation Analysis (CNAA) using HPGe detectors.
Hotcell Services
Nuclear Operations and Facilities is home to three independent hot cell facilities located on campus, which can be used for various nuclear, materials, environmental, and health applications.
Medical Isotope Production
MNR is one of the world’s leading suppliers of I-125, which is used in nuclear medicine for the treatment of various cancers. Other medical isotopes are produced at the McMaster Nuclear Reactor, along with various research and technical grade isotopes.
Neutron Diffraction
Neutron diffraction is a non-destructive technique that is used to probe the structure of materials at the atomic level. The sample is placed within a neutron beam and the angles at which the neutrons are scattered by the material are recorded and information is gathered.
Neutron Radiography
Neutron radiography is a non-destructive technique for photographing the interior structure of solid objects.
Nuclear Dating
Nuclear dating plays an important role for determining the age of geological samples. Both the 39Ar-40Ar method or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy method are offered through MNR to age date important archaeological artifacts.
Post-Irradiation Examination
Many areas of Nuclear Operations and Facilities allow for in-depth post-irradiation examination.
Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis
A service offered by the Centre for Neutron Activation Analysis (CNAA), it is used primarily for non-destructive elemental composition analysis.
Radioisotope Development & Production
Radioactive isotopes are widely used in basic and applied science and engineering, most notably as environmental and industrial tracers, and for medical imaging procedures.
Short-Lived Neutron Activation Analysis
A neutron activation technique that can be used to quantify dozens of chemical elements including metals, non-metals and metalloids at the parts per million level. Available through the Centre for Neutron Activation Analysis (CNAA).
Taylor Radiobiology Source
The Taylor Source is a unique large volume, high dose-rate Cs-137 source, commonly used to examine the effects γ-radiation on living systems.
Technical Services – Engineering Design and Fabrication
The Technical Services team provides essential engineering support for ancillary groups within Nuclear Operations & Facilities including Iodine-125 production, radioisotope development, quality assurance, and reactor operations.