Register for Canadian Nuclear Society Seminars at McMaster

The Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) Golden Horsehsoe Branch is hosting technical seminars on the McMaster Main Campus. CNS is an organization interested in the education and dissemination of information in all areas of nuclear science and technology in Canada.
Attending the seminars is free, and you do not need to be a CNS member to join – though membership is free for students.
The room number and building on the McMaster Main Campus where the seminars are happening will be sent to RSVP’d attendees.
If you have any questions, please contact
Tuesday October 17th, from 6:00 – 7:00 PM on the McMaster Main Campus, Mr. Devan Wagner will be focused on presenting the work performed for the Lunar Surface Exploration Initiative (LSEI), and a reactor concept that has been developed named MOOSE.
Please RSVP:
Wednesday October 25th, from 5:00 – 6:00 PM on the McMaster Main Campus, Mr. Stuart Harris speaking on behalf of Global First Power (GFP). The seminar will be about the operations of GFP, who are building an SMR at CNL Chalk River, and have an MOU with McMaster University.
Please RSVP:
Monday October 30th, from 5:00 – 6:00 PM on the McMaster Main Campus, Dr. Mehran Behazin speaking on behalf of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO). The seminar will be about the operations of NWMO, who are planning the construction of a deep geological repository for high level nuclear waste.
Please RSVP: